Ophthalmic Migraine, What and What's The Solution?

Ophthalmic migraine is characterized by visual symptoms as a bright spot that doctors call the scintillating scotoma. This symptom lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. The bright spot is like a hole in the lateral visual field, first small, surrounded by glittering battlements in the style of an electrical filament. This hole appears to visually expand gradually and occurs in both eyes. In other cases of so-called ophthalmic migraine "aura", that is to say, with signs of headache, there are sensory disturbances, tingling in the fingertips to face sometimes numb.

Sometimes there are language problems (difficulty finding words, reversing words,
inability to speak) and even a total or partial paralysis on one side of the body. Ophthalmic migraine is difficult to treat because we known about the causes. It was noted that several members of a family may suffer from ophthalmic migraine
and therefore it might be a hereditary disease. These seizures, which affect more women, its can be caused by stress, certain foods, and lack of sleep, hunger, rules or pregnancy.

In most cases, the ophthalmic migraines are frequent and can be treated with a drug against the usual pain of headaches. If the ophthalmic migraine comes back too often, consult a doctor, and even a neurologist specializing in migraine.

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