Headache, One of The Causes of Sex, Hot Dogs and Stress

There are over 200 types of headaches. This was revealed by Dr. Piero Barbanti, headaches Unit Director Institute San Raffaele Pisana in Rome. Migraine in Italy is a real common evil, which afflicts 8 million people.
Sometimes it can be used as an excuse, but in many cases it is not and becomes paralyzing, since in some cases the pain is so severe that essre compared to that of renal colic or even the pangs of childbirth. The causes of migraine can be quite varied. Examine them din detail.

Headaches from sex It affects about almost 500 thousand people, men and women in a proportion of 3:1 and can have several causes. First there is the use of viagra, recommended by Dr. Barbanti not recommended for this "who is predisposed to migraine." Drugs for erectile dysfunction, in fact, contain "nitric oxide", which helps migraine. At this level, there are two types of headaches: a first orgasm is developed and covers 20% of cases, and another breaks loose and the timing of intercourse (80%).

Headache hot dogs. This type of headache, defined as "to be hot dog" is thought to be caused by nitrates "used as additives and preservatives in sausages, which cause vasodilatation and promote the headache."
Headaches from stress. It is the most common and affects 75% of people who suffer from it. In these cases, do not call a physician immediately for medical help, but sometimes can be limited by changing some bad habits, such as limiting alcohol use, fasting or certain foods that may promote the onset of pain. In addition, you can use self-medication such as aspirin or paracetamol.

When a doctor? In the event that the headaches are frequent, i.e. 3 times in about a month, and if it passes after 4-5 days of medication, then it is best to consult a doctor.
As explained by Dr. Barbanti "the patient should be reassured that these forms exist, in most benign but must be the doctor make the diagnosis. Even the most disabling pain can be treated by medication."

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