Simple way to treat headaches

What if you are headache sufferers? What should you do if suddenly the head ache?

Relaxation techniques like yoga and autogenic training can be learned relatively quickly. Well tolerated and can be quickly relieves pain medicines that contain the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid. Home remedies: How can I help myself?

With a few relaxation techniques and the one or another drug, one gets the uncomfortable, aching pain under control.

The slight pain actually become increasingly stronger and may even become chronic. To prevent the so-called pain memory, experts recommend taking a drug as early as possible. Analgesics should be only three to four days in a row and a maximum of ten days are taken each month. The best known is aspirin. Especially not when the trigger is at work and one is glad to have a job.

Who much and especially long at the computer should do once per hour, a little break, so as not to tense the muscles. Causes of headaches first are once again the stress, followed by too little sleep, conscious and unconscious fears, anger and mental problems.

Headache: Must be drugs? By cooling the vessels to constrict, this is perceived as pleasant. First, it is important to find out when and in what situations occur, the headaches. Are not the symptoms better, you must consult your doctor. These causes should be avoided if possible. What causes trigger headaches and what can we do about it? How to prevent headaches? This is not always easy.


The pain matrix can be formed, because frequent, longer lasting pain stimuli make the pain receptors in the brain sensitive. Excessive stress can help regular exercise in fresh air. Have also proved the forehead and neck massages. Otherwise they themselves can cause headaches! If there is pain behind the forehead cold compresses can provide relief. Forehead, temples and back of the head with thumb and forefinger massaging in circular motions for at least five minutes. Are the complaints in the neck area, you can try it with hot compresses.

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