Tips to Treat Headaches During Pregnancy

Suffering from headaches during pregnancy is fairly common during the first and second half, mainly because of hormonal changes. But how do we prevent, alleviate or cure it if you do not want nor can use the medicines that are always contraindicated in pregnancy? Here are some tips for expectant mothers.

Drink between two and three liters of water per day. Part of them will be taken through food. Maintaining the body very hydrated the possibility that of head will be asked for badly, as sometimes a sign of insufficient ingratiation happens or.  If you can attribute the blame to stress Set aside a time of day to devote to meditation, deep relaxation, breathing exercises or a relaxing bath, perhaps smelling and full of bubbles.

To alleviate the typical circle around the head you can use a damp cloth and warm forehead. You can also use the tablet with lavender. It will also help a few drops of lavender essential oil on your temples. Learn to keep a food diary in order to identify with the help of your doctor which foods may cause headaches. Sometimes it is a symptom related to digestive difficulties.

Be careful also to constipation. May cause minor poisoning organism resulting in headaches. Avoid coffee and other stimulants, also reducing the amount of chocolate you eat it you are very tasty. The massages help relieve back pain and tension on the neck and shoulders that are very frequent when the belly starts to grow and be heavy. Although reflexology can help improve circulation, which may favor the disappearance of the headache. Equally important is the quality of care remarried, especially of the night.

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