The cause of tension headaches

Tension headaches are the types of headaches that are common, the occurrence of muscle contraction headaches are the triggers of this type. Other triggers are due to periods of increased stress.

Many factors that trigger tension headaches, among others:
- The emotional factor
- Not exactly the current position of sitting can lead to contraction of the muscles of the head and neck (eg, holding a book while reading, a position that is not true when speaking call), because while doing these activities require an increase in currency in the same time and long may lead to illness head with tension.

The occurrence of degenerative arthritis on muscle and temporo mandibular joint dysfunction (a disorder of the joints that connect the forehead and lower jaw) can also cause these headaches.

The pain caused due to this tension is usually settled and blunt the feeling on the forehead, the temples and behind the neck. People always describe tension headaches are such a tight wrapped around their heads. Although tension headaches can last for long, they usually disappear after a stressful period is over. Tension headaches are usually not associated with other symptoms and no pre-headache syndrome as seen in migraine headaches. Tension headaches are an estimated 90% of all headaches.

Although the exact cause of tension headaches is unknown, many scientists believe that the main cause of the pain is due to sustained muscle tension. Other studies have shown that reduced blood flow may play a role in pain.

Handling of tension headaches
Drugs for pain relief as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen most commonly relieve tension headaches. When the muscle contractions got worse then it is very necessary prescription drugs more quickly to overcome them. These medications may cause drowsiness and slow reflexes, caution must be taken to avoid injury or accident if using these medications. Most doctors recommend the use of prescription medications are used in the short term, usually no more than a few days.

Other techniques to help heal these tension headaches are by application of heat, like a warm shower water bath (warm showers), massage and relaxation exercises. Of course, by completing the circumstances that cause stress and even cause headaches will always help in the healing process for tension headaches.

5 types of headache that should be on the watch

Headache is often considered a mild disease, but did you know that headaches can be a symptom of a larger disease.
Keep in mind that headache is divided into two groups, namely:
First is a major headache caused by a dysfunction or excessive activity of the features that are sensitive to pain in the head. And a second group, which is also rarer, is caused by underlying disease. However, there are basically 5 types of headaches, the emphasis off of how pain is generated.
1. Vascular (blood vessel), the cause of migraine
The pain caused by enlarged blood vessels in the head. The most popular type of vascular headache is migraine, approximately 28 million Americans have vascular headaches, as quoted from the American Headache Society.
Migraine may recur, and if the new emerging will recover after 4-72 hours. The pain of moderate to severe, throbbing with a sense of which occur in one or two sides of the head.
Other symptoms of migraine are nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. As many as 3 out of 4 migraine sufferers are women. That is, more women who experience migraines than men.
2. Cluster
This type of headache is another type of vascular headache, but the opposite of migraine, this disease affects more by men. The ratio is six to one, according to the Cluster Headache Support Group.
The pain was so excruciating, can last for 15 to 180 minutes. It usually occurs on one side of the head, behind the eyes, or on the temples. Headaches usually occur at certain times, often during the hours of sleep, for 4-8 weeks.
5 types of headache
3. Myogenik
These headaches often occur at work, you'll often feel the neck and shoulders become stiff, sometimes followed by headache. This type of headache is often regarded as the tension of the muscles that tighten around the neck, shoulders, scalp, or jaw.
The trigger is not just sitting the wrong way, but also stress, anxiety, or depression. Not surprisingly, these headaches are among the most common, with mild to moderate intensity. In some people, pain is also followed by a decrease in appetite.
4. Inflammation
This is the second order of headaches caused by a disease or disorder that produces inflammation in the head. These types of headache caused by inflammation of the most common are headaches due to sinus, which is caused by inflammation of the sinuses and exacerbated by allergic reactions.
Another cause of this type of headache is meningitis, where there is inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
5. Traction
This type of headache is usually caused by lesions (abnormal tissue) that suppress the structure and blood vessels in the head. Metastatic tumors (malignant tumors that spread to other body parts), abscess, or hematoma (blood-filled local swelling), can cause this type of headache.
Never underestimate the pain in your head, you should immediately to see her doctor in order not to become more severe headache that you suffered.

Identify the characteristics of headaches caused by tumor

Tumors or swelling of the brain can cause headaches. Most people think of headaches due to stress, migraine and sinusitis, so they regarded as a mild disease without going to recognize more deeply about the headaches he suffered.

99% of headaches are felt by society are not due to cancer. But we should recognize the kind of disease our heads, so that we avoid this dangerous tumor disease.

There are several important points to remember and could be a warning signal for someone to find out whether the headache experienced a symptom of brain tumor or not.

  1. The headaches experienced by a new thing, if it had never before felt a headache or pain experienced different than usual then this condition can be a warning sign. 
  2. Headache that occurs is accompanied by other symptoms, brain tumor patients usually have other symptoms, except headache such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness or sudden fainting, seizures, difficulty speaking, weakness in the limbs or problems with peripheral vision. 
  3. Headache begins when you wake up in the morning, usually headaches start in the morning is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. While experienced headaches in the morning and getting worse throughout the day is usually not due to a brain tumor but rather due to daily pressures. 
  4. The headache worsens, headaches that appear more and more often during periods of days, weeks or months.
Know more about the headache is very important for us to be able to know whether a mild illness or because of a tumor in the brain.

Relieve headaches with acupressure therapy thumb

Do acupressure therapy thumb when your headache with a sudden, and feel what happened, your head will feel better in the not too long. Have you proved it?

In the book "YOU: Being Beautiful" Health experts from RealAge, Mehmet Oz, MD, and Michael Roizen, MD. Explained that the finger acupressure therapy is done at certain points on the face and hands, namely:

1. the point on the temporalis muscle
Use your index finger and middle finger, do massage on the temporalis muscle in the temple that is located one finger over the eyes of the outside.

2. Point behind the ear
Use your thumbs to massage the point at the bottom of a large bone behind your ear. Do massage is playing in this section.

3. Point between the eyes
Use the middle finger and thumb, gently massage the point above the nose between the eyes, pull upward until you feel pressure around the eyebrows.

4. Point between the thumb and forefinger
Use your thumb and index finger of right hand to press the point between your thumb and forefinger of your left hand. This acupressure point has a calming effect to your headache.

That's the tips to overcome the headaches with acupressure therapy thumb, may be useful for you.

Natural way of eliminating the headaches

Pain during the headache attack is very disturbing all our daily activities, many headache medications are sold freely, but whether we will always rely on medicine when the pain comes? Is there a natural way to cure a headache? Not if we too often take the medicine can cause drug addiction, so that drugs needed by our bodies need higher doses.

There are several easy ways to relieve headaches without having to swallow the medicine. Besides of course should be emphasis on eating fruits and vegetables as a precaution, you could also try some natural ways below as we quoted from

a. Siesta
Try to nap a little while in order to relieve the pain felt. However, do not sleep too long because it will only aggravate your headache. Try to nap on the sidelines of your activity for 15-30 minutes.

b. Breathing exercises
When headaches occur, take a deep breath. Pull back and remove the breath slowly. This simple movement can make the body and head feel more relaxed and pain is reduced.

c. Head massage
Massage is known for powerful and effective to cure headaches. Massage your forehead with your finger in a circular motion slowly. Does it also suppresses your forehead gently with fingers.

d. Aromatherapy
Inhalation of aromatic oils not only can relieve a headache, but can also improve your mood. Try to breathe scented essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, and vanilla that are useful to get rid of stress.

That's the way how to cope with a headache the natural way without having to take medication, may be useful.

How to relieve a headache without painkillers

If you often experience headaches are unbearable? There are several causes of headaches, stress or stomach Suppose you're not in good condition. Often you need a solution to cure it, but do not want to keep taking painkillers Head of the counter. For that, you can try the following ways, in order to relieve pain and can immediately return to work.

1. Relaxation techniques
Take a deep breath and stretch a few times in the neck and shoulder area can relax stiff muscles, which affect the occurrence of headaches. Sheena Aurora, MD, director of the Swedish Headache Center, in Seattle, recommends this solution to relieve the headache that occurs because you are experiencing stress. In addition, stretching the body can also fix bad posture, which is also one of the causes of headaches.

2. Hot or cold therapy
Hot or cold sensation suitable for the type of heads that are light (not a migraine). It's easy, you just need to put a hot or cold compresses (now available in a package of practical and can be purchased at retail pharmacies) in the part that feels pain, then let stand for 15 minutes.
"The choice of hot or cold compresses it depends on your preferences," according to Jason Rosenberg, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Headache Center, Bayview, Baltimore. Experts still have not found out why this therapy can be effective, but suspected a cold compress can slow blood flow and reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, a hot compress to increase blood flow and relieve pain.

3. Drinking coffee
For mild headache scale, drinking coffee with caffeine could be a "cure" that works. Caffeine also inhibits adenosine, a neurotransmitter that can cause blood vessels to dilate and create pressure. Drinking beverages containing caffeine shortly after the headaches come can help relieve pain. However, unfortunately this only applies to those who rarely drink coffee, or consumption is not more than 1 cup a day. When your coffee addict, so this therapy can "cure" is less responsive.

4. Peppermint tea
The headaches usually come along with abdominal discomfort? Try drinking peppermint tea to ease it.
"Peppermint is proven to relieve tension in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as relieve symptoms of headache," said Audrey L. Halpern, MD, director of the Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology.
In addition, neurochemical changes in the brain caused by attacks of headache can also affect parts of the brain that can create nausea, continued Halpern. Thus, peppermint tea will also help relieve the nausea did not. Important: When you're pregnant, you should not take peppermint without first consulting a physician

Headache as a symptom of brain tumors

If headaches begin to get worse or persist, it is natural to wonder if the headache is a symptom of something more serious like a brain tumor to be. Headaches can be symptoms of brain tumors and those that are truly tumor-related characteristics as determined separately for the different conditions can cause headaches.

First it is important to know that brain tumors are uncommon. Although studies show that more people are diagnosed with a brain tumor, remains a rare phenomenon. Chronic headache is probably related to other, less serious conditions such as migraines, allergies or common vision problems that glasses or contact lenses need.

What Causes Headaches in People with Brain Tumors?
Increased intracranial pressure (IICP) is a common culprit of headaches in people with brain tumors. IICP is an increased amount of pressure on the brain that can be caused by excess fluid, brain swelling, or a mass. There is only enough space in the skull to really accommodate the brain and a normal amount of fluid -- anything excess, whether it is fluid or tissue, increases the pressure.

Characteristics of Brain Tumor Headache
Surprisingly, headaches are not normally the initial symptom a person experiences if they have a brain tumor. Other symptoms, like seizures, changes in vision or hearing, weakness of the arms and legs, or cognitive decline are often the first symptoms.

It has been generally thought that a classic characteristic of a brain tumor-related headache was a morning headache, but research shows that this isn't exactly the norm. It can occur, but isn't as common as previously thought. Headaches, though, are common in those with brain tumors, with up to half of sufferers experiencing them.

Most people do not suffer from severe, debilitating headaches, although they can be painful enough to rouse someone from sleep. Headaches that awaken one from sleep can indicate something serious, but can also be caused by something other than a brain tumor. People suffering from brain tumors have complained of headaches awakening them, however.

The pain can be described as dull, aching, or throbbing. Over time, the headaches may become more frequent, increasing in severity, and eventually be a constant occurrence that is not easily relieved. Changes in body position can make them worse, especially when lying down. They can also be worsened by coughing or sneezing.

These are only typical characteristics of brain tumors. Brain tumors are very complex, and each person may experience different types of headaches that may or may not reflect these common traits.
Reasons Why Your Doctor May Suspect a Brain Tumor Because of Headaches
When you see your doctor because of frequent headaches, he will ask you several questions related to your headaches. It is helpful to keep a symptom journal to clue your doctor in on what may trigger the headaches, what makes them worse, and how frequently you are getting them. These are all important factors and can easily be forgotten or under/overestimated during the exam.

Your doctor will ask you several questions about your headaches. Here are some common ones and what your answers may reveal:

Do you normally have headaches or previously suffered from headaches?
People who have previously suffered from headaches or who are allergy or migraine sufferers generally don't raise concern for doctors. It is those who don't commonly get headaches and have had recent and new headaches that make doctors suspect something more serious. People who have previously suffered from headaches and whose headaches have changed in intensity, location, or caused other symptoms are also a concern to doctors. A change in headache pattern can be a symptom of a brain tumor.

What medicines you are using to relieve the headaches and are they working?
Be very thorough and honest when your doctor asks about what you are doing to relieve your headaches. Tell him about any over-the-counter medication (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen), herbs, or prescription medications you are taking. *Even if you taking prescription pain medications that were prescribed for another condition or even another person, it is vital to tell your doctor. He or she is not going to judge. Your physician wants to gauge how your headaches react to medications. Typically, headaches related to brain tumors are not relieved by medication. When both OTC and prescription pain relievers are ineffective, it raises a red flag to a doctor that something more serious may be present.

Do your headaches get better or worse with movement?
If your headaches worsen or are triggered by bending over, sneezing, or coughing, it is important to let your doctor know. Brain tumor-related headaches are often worsened by these movements.

Are you experiencing any nausea or vomiting?
Nausea and vomiting along with a headache can be a symptom of a brain tumor. Nausea and vomiting without a headache, often with change of movement, can also be a symptom, but this is far more likely related to something other than a brain tumor.

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