The cause of tension headaches

Tension headaches are the types of headaches that are common, the occurrence of muscle contraction headaches are the triggers of this type. Other triggers are due to periods of increased stress.

Many factors that trigger tension headaches, among others:
- The emotional factor
- Not exactly the current position of sitting can lead to contraction of the muscles of the head and neck (eg, holding a book while reading, a position that is not true when speaking call), because while doing these activities require an increase in currency in the same time and long may lead to illness head with tension.

The occurrence of degenerative arthritis on muscle and temporo mandibular joint dysfunction (a disorder of the joints that connect the forehead and lower jaw) can also cause these headaches.

The pain caused due to this tension is usually settled and blunt the feeling on the forehead, the temples and behind the neck. People always describe tension headaches are such a tight wrapped around their heads. Although tension headaches can last for long, they usually disappear after a stressful period is over. Tension headaches are usually not associated with other symptoms and no pre-headache syndrome as seen in migraine headaches. Tension headaches are an estimated 90% of all headaches.

Although the exact cause of tension headaches is unknown, many scientists believe that the main cause of the pain is due to sustained muscle tension. Other studies have shown that reduced blood flow may play a role in pain.

Handling of tension headaches
Drugs for pain relief as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen most commonly relieve tension headaches. When the muscle contractions got worse then it is very necessary prescription drugs more quickly to overcome them. These medications may cause drowsiness and slow reflexes, caution must be taken to avoid injury or accident if using these medications. Most doctors recommend the use of prescription medications are used in the short term, usually no more than a few days.

Other techniques to help heal these tension headaches are by application of heat, like a warm shower water bath (warm showers), massage and relaxation exercises. Of course, by completing the circumstances that cause stress and even cause headaches will always help in the healing process for tension headaches.

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